Requirement In The Workplace
12 November, 2022
Patron Career Staffing firmly believes in adopting a tailored approach to meet temporary and permanent recruitment needs. We safeguard the interest of our clients by finding such workers who are knowledgeable and reliable.
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How much of our daily life is dependent on plastic? The answer lies just around you. They are found in walls, kids bicycle helmets, electronic equipment, computers, crockery, drinking straws, balloons, and literally in almost every other good of our daily consumption habits. The instances are too many! They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and forms, or even occur naturally, like in a tree rubber. They are however divided into two main categories:
1. Thermoplastic- such plastics are those which can be contorted subject to heat and can be bent quite easily. For example- nylon, PVC, polythene, etc.
2. Thermosetting- such plastics can’t be deformed again by heating once they get molded. For example- bakelite, melamine, etc.
Plastics have the versatile traits of being durable, inexpensive, and most abundantly used materials. They are used for the production of finished goods, end-use parts, consumer products, and even medical devices. so plastic manufacturing industries are involved in the fabrication of plastics into semi- products or finished goods. Several factors like budget constraints, lead time, final good properties, and product usage usually determine the correct plastic and manufacturing process a business needs. Volume, cost, material, and form are other such factors that help companies select a manufacturing process for plastic parts.
Did you know?
The plastic manufacturing sector generated around $1.2 million profits in 2020.
When considering plastic production in Canada, 3 aspects - design, manufacturing, and assembly play a significant part in upholding this sector. It is worthwhile to note that plastic manufacturing is a strong-growing multi- billion-dollar industry, out of which almost 47% of plastic producers are based in Ontario, Canada. 25% in Quebec and 3% in the Atlantic states.
According to reports, plastic has found its way into diverse markets and industries all over Canada. 39% of plastic parts serve the packaging processing industries, 22% are in construction, 14% are reserved for the automobile sector and 14% are in residual markets. The plastic production industry is a dynamic economic player in terms of the revenue it generates. It has immensely contributed worth 35% billion in sales of resins and plastic manufactured products in 2017 and the numbers are deemed to grow.
The market size is huge, almost surging to $9.6 billion in 2022. It is expected to grow by 2.3% in the coming years. This evolving industry supports about 93,000 jobs which is more than 1,900 companies in Canada could ever provide. That amounts to 171,380 of total sector employment out of which 146,880 is processors employment and 24,500 are the total suppliers employed.
According to a statistical analysis the total wages peaked at $5.9 billion in 2019, which was a direct increase from $5.7 billion in 2023 or we can around 2.7%. in Ontario alone, the plastic manufacturing industry is characterized by small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). They are flourishing because they're equipped with the right technology and machinery which is strong enough to handle bulk orders. The government had listed around 2400 plastic manufacturing firms in 2010. Canadians owned over 95% of these, and this particular industry is ranked 17th in Canada owing to its market size and is also the 122nd largest. The results are overwhelming. This potential sector is expected to grow because of its enormous demand in construction industries, which includes home building. Houses won't ever stop building; therefore, the industry will boom.
If you’re looking for skilled engineering candidates in the plastic manufacturing industry, then we are highly elated to help you secure the best talent to post your business. We also help job-seekers find the desirable plastic manufacturing processing industry to work with, all you have to do is call us!